


皇冠8868会员登录谷学院承认学生有言论自由的权利 在课堂上保护学生免受不当、武断或反复无常的学术评价 as evidenced by their final course grade. This policy recognized these protections.

学院应制定和更新,适当的声明,规定和程序 等待总统内阁的批准. The board delegates to the president or designee 定义、描述、培养和管理学生的责任 学术申诉程序.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 9/1/21
Adopted by the board of trustees: 9/8/21

400.100 Student Rights and Responsibilities/Code of Student Conduct 政策
1400.100 Student Rights and Freedoms 过程


学生学术申诉程序保护学生的言论自由 保护每个学生免受不正当、武断或反复无常的学术影响 evaluation as evidenced 由学生提出’s final course grade.

A. 条件


  1. 不得违反联邦和州法律、法规和规章,以及政策, 由国家社区和技术委员会通过的规章和程序 大学.
  2. 应使用大学的程序申诉有关的任何歧视,包括 sexual discrimination or discrimination based upon disability.

B. 学术申诉定义

学术申诉系指学生对教师行为的申诉 下列一项或多项:

  1. 被指定的分数是任意应用其他方法的结果 有效的学术评价标准.
  2. Employed arbitrary standards in evaluating the academic progress of the student.
  3. 采取不当行为或作出对学生学业有不利影响的决定 standing in an arbitrary or capricious manner.
  4. 作出明显错误的决定或采取明显错误的行动 影响学生的学术地位.

A student with an academic complaint shall follow the informal 学术不满 决议程序和时间表列出如下和文件的非正式学术 对学生学术申诉申请表采取的解决措施 in the office of the vice president of student services (VPSS) or online.


第一步: 与教职员会面.

  1. 将非正式的学术解决程序作为所有学术投诉的第一步.
  2. 与课堂老师会面,试图及时解决争议 在上课的季度和/或在收到 课程成绩.
  3. Meet with the instructor who assigned the grade and use the meeting to clarify the perceived problem and request specific action designed to resolve it.
  4. Take no further action if the result of the meeting is acceptable.

第二步: 与院长或项目主管见面.

  1. 如果在上述第一步中没有解决问题,学生将与适当的 系主任或项目主任.
  2. At that meeting, the dean or program director will attempt to find a resolution to 学术上的抱怨.
  3. Take no further action if the result of the meeting is acceptable.

第三步: Meet with the vice president of instruction (VPI).

  1. If there is no resolution at step two above, the student meets with the VPI.
  2. 在那次会议上,VPI将试图找到解决学术投诉的办法.
  3. The VPI verifies all informal academic resolution steps have been taken.
  4. Take no further action if the result of the meeting is acceptable.
  5. If not acceptable, VPI notifies the VPSS to assist the student through the formal 学术决议程序.

If the informal 学术不满 resolution 过程 is unsuccessful, the formal resolution 过程 must be initiated no later than 15 calendar days from the start of the subsequent academic quarter, excluding summer quarter.


第一步: Meeting with the Academic Regulations Committee.

  1. VPSS或行政助理帮助学生解决整个学术申诉 过程.
  2. VPSS或行政助理会见学生,帮助学生理解 the 学术申诉程序 and timelines.
  3. VPSS或行政助理帮助学生准备书面的学术申诉 to begin the formal 学术申诉程序.
    1. The student 学术不满 petition should provide a summary of actions taken 由学生提出 to resolve the 学术不满 up to that point.
    2. 学生学业申诉请愿书应注明所获成绩和所获奖学金 reason for the 学术不满; specifying all necessary performance scores and 适当的出勤数据.
    3. 学生学业申诉应提供一个可能的解决方案 由学生提出.
  4. 学生必须联系VPSS开始正式的解决过程 在随后的一个学年的前15个日历天里,这个分数被分配到, excluding summer quarter and provide the VPSS with a copy of the student’s written 学术不满.
  5. Within three calendar days of receipt of the student’s written 学术不满, VPSS通知教员和相应的系主任或项目主任 that an 学术不满 has been filed.


第一步: 学生学术申诉会议.

  1. 学术投诉会议在收到投诉后的五个日历日内举行 在考虑学生需要的时候提出学生学术申诉, faculty member, dean and/or program director and the committee members.
  2. VPSS联合主席:
    1. Establishes the time and place of the meeting.
    2. Directs the executive assistant to ensure that the student and the faculty member 收到学生的书面学术申诉的副本,如果有的话,给教员 member’s written response and the report from the dean/program director.
  3. The meeting is a closed meeting and is not considered a formal hearing. 诉讼 of the student-initiated 学术不满 remain closed unless all parties agree 公开诉讼. No recording of the proceeding is allowed.
  4. 出席会议的有:学术管理委员会委员、学生、 有关教员(如果教员选择参加)、院长或项目 director, any supporting witnesses to the event being grieved as requested by the 学生,以及任何其他被叫来协助委员会达成一个及时的, fair resolution of the student’s 学术不满, will also attend during their 证词.
  5. 行政助理向每个ARC成员提供一份完整的学术报告 申诉文件.
  6. ARC将审查背景信息,确保他们了解学生的情况 书面学术申诉和会议期间将遵循的程序.
  7. The student is invited in to explain their 学术不满. ARC可能会问问题 为澄清. Upon completion of the question and answer period, the student 是原谅.
  8. 邀请教师和/或院长/项目主任(如果在场)做出回应 对学生的学业不满. ARC可能会问问题 为澄清. 在问答环节结束后,教师和/或院长/项目 主任不在场.

第二步: 学术申诉决定.

  1. 在委员会听取学术申诉后,它会事先作出决定 在休会.
  2. A 决定 passes by a simple majority vote of members present.
  3. VPSS写这封信,通知学生和教师委员会的成员 决定 within five calendar days of the 决定.

第三步: 学术申诉解决方案.

When the committee finds in favor of the student:

  1. ARC的教员联合主席与记录讲师协商确定 a grade or the dean/program director to reinstate student in the program.
  2. 随后,VPSS作为ARC的代表指导注册 office to change the grade on the student’s transcript, if applicable.
  3. Registrar sends student updated transcript if applicable.

步骤四: 学生对ARC决定的上诉.

  1. 学生不得通过重新提交学生学术报告对委员会的决定提出上诉 申诉申诉表格,没有可能影响先前的额外新信息 决定.

第五步: 学生正当程序上诉.

  1. A student with an appeal of due 过程:
    1. Informs the VPSS of the 决定 to appeal.
    2. Appeals the due 过程 of the committee to the VPSS within five calendar days of 收到信.
    3. Prepares a written appeal to the president stating why the 决定 of the ARC did not provide due 过程 during the 学术不满 meeting.
  2. VPSS:
    1. 通知VPI上诉,并向校长提供学生的副本 学术申诉档案.
    2. Acts as the liaison between the president and the ARC.
    3. 审查学术申诉会议程序,以确保学生收到 due 过程 through the 学术不满 proceedings.
  3. The president determines whether due 过程 has been met and informs the VPSS. If 总统认为没有符合正当程序,总统通知VPSS, who informs the faculty co-chair of the ARC.
  4. The chair reconvenes the committee within 10 calendar days of being informed that 没有遵循正当程序.
  5. 委员会审查学生的学术申诉,并采取适当的措施 纠正正当程序的缺陷.
  6. The president reviews the actions of the committee.
  7. VPSS在五个日历内通知学生和教师决定 days.
  8. Upon resolution of student’s right to due 过程 no further student appeal within 学院提供.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 9/28/21
Presented to the board of trustees: __/__/__

400.100 Student Rights and Responsibilities/Code of Student Conduct 政策
1400.100 Student Rights and Freedoms 过程
