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Uniformed 服务 Shared 离开 Pool


的 uniformed service shared leave pool (USSLP) was created per RCW 41.04.685 这样,那些被征召入伍服役的政府雇员就会 能够保持薪酬水平与员工福利相一致 the amount they would have received had they remained in active state service. 的 Pool还允许国家雇员自愿将他们的假期捐赠给 任何被召来服务的合格员工都可以使用共享假期 制服服务以及谁符合华盛顿州共享休假的要求 程序 RCW 41.04.665. 皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College employees may participate in the USSLP according to RCW 41.04.685 as outlined in the accompanying WVC procedure.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/8/09
Adopted by the board of trustees: 2/18/10
Last reviewed: 5/13/23
政策 contact: 人力资源

Related policies and procedures
500.375 Shared 离开 政策
500.385 Foster 父母 Shared 离开 Pool 政策
500.390 Veteran’s In-Service Shared 离开 Pool 政策
1500.375 Shared 离开 过程
1500.380 Uniformed Service Shared 离开 Pool 过程
1500.385 Foster 父母 Shared 离开 Pool 过程
1500.390 Veteran’s In-Service Shared 离开 Pool 过程


统一服务共享休假池(USSLP)允许符合条件的华盛顿州雇员 谁会把假期捐出一部分给合资格的同事 或者其他政府雇员如果需要的话,也可以从泳池中休假 无薪休假或因以下“接收”项下列出的原因离职 离开.“将假期捐赠给养老金池的合格国家雇员将受到限制 defined below under “Donating 离开.“除了… RCW 41.04.685 that creates and governs this pool, WAC 357-31-640 通过 WAC 357-31-725 为非会员的公务员提供USSLP指导 of a bargaining unit. 员工 who are members of a collective bargaining unit should 参考有关USSLP规则和程序的适用议价单位协议.


除休假外,员工向制服捐款或从制服领取的休假 服务共享休假池,符合条件的员工可直接申请捐赠休假 或者可以要求通过华盛顿的员工获得共享休假时间 state shared leave 程序. More information can be found in WVC shared leave policy 500.375 and procedure 1500.375.

B. 政府

军服共享休假池由军队部门管理 in consultation with the office of financial management.

C. 收到离开

员工有资格从统一服务共享中获得共享假期 休假池,如果有休假,并且满足以下所有条件:

  1. 雇员被征召入伍(自愿或非自愿).
  2. 雇员已经或即将耗尽他们的带薪军事休假,补偿性 time, vacation leave, holiday credit and personal holiday. 的 employee may retain a reserve of up to 40 hours of vacation leave and 40 hours of military leave.
  3. 该员工的月薪低于该员工的国家月薪 (定义见 WAC 357-31-650). 不考虑雇员的国家和军队工资,每人最多八小时 一个月可用于持续医疗福利.
  4. 员工已使用 USSLP休假申请表-可在人力资源(HR)网站或人力资源办公室获得.
  5. 雇员提供一份收入证明,证明军饷和服役订单 and notification of a change in orders of service or military salary.

不包括从统一服务共享休假池收到的共享休假 in the 522-day limit specified in RCW 41.04.665.

D. 捐赠离开

根据华盛顿州共享休假计划,有资格捐赠休假的员工, RCW 41.04.665,可申请批准将假期捐赠给军警共享假期池 (USSLP),提交一份完整的USSLP假期捐赠表,可在人力资源网站上查阅 或人力资源部. Donations of leave to the uniformed service shared leave pool must meet the following requirements specific to the type of leave being donated:

  1. 假期离开:
    捐出假期的员工可能不会捐出会减少的工作时间 their vacation leave balance below 80 hours.
  2. 病假:
    捐出病假的员工可能不会捐出一定数量的病假,从而降低他们的工资 累计可补偿病假余额低于176小时(教职工为154小时).
  3. Personal Holiday:
    员工 may donate all or part of a personal holiday.

注意: 员工不得捐出休假时间,否则会损失在假期 next anniversary date due to exceeding maximum leave accruals. 员工 may not donate 休假、病假或事假,否则将失去,因为 separation of employment.

捐赠给统一服务共享休假池的假期将从共享休假池中退出 by employees according to procedures established by the Military Department. 更多的 information regarding these procedures, see the military department’s uniformed services shared leave pool website.


学院将调查任何滥用军警共享假的指控 如果发现有不当行为,该员工可能会被要求偿还全部 the shared leave received from the pool.


It is the responsibility of the human resource and payroll offices to:

  1. Provide donor and recipient forms for employee use.
  2. 为员工、主管和经理提供指导和咨询 questions regarding the USSLP.
  3. 批准或拒绝USSLP的捐款/休假请求,确保遵守 适用的RCWs, WACs,大学政策和程序,以及集体谈判 协议.
  4. 如果批准,从员工的假期余额中扣除捐赠的假期,并转换员工的假期 根据USSLP的会计程序,将美元和远期付款留给USSLP.
  5. 向员工提供批准接收USSLP的书面通知 their supervisor, which includes:
    1. 的 date the employee was eligible to receive USSLP.
    2. 的 amount of shared leave the employee is eligible to use each month.
    3. 通知雇员他们有责任更新华盛顿军事部门 他们的军饷,军令或国家月薪有任何变化,这可能 affect the amount of the USSLP they are eligible to receive.
  6. 计算捐赠休假所需的金额,以维持和支付福利和 监督捐赠假期的使用,确保符合最高允许工资.
  7. 使用USSLP会计程序记录付款收据并更新 employee’s leave balances.
  8. 在接受者服满兵役后,通知华盛顿军方 部门表示该员工已返回到他们的状态职位,并返回任何未使用的 leave to the USSLP utilizing the USSLP accounting procedures.
  9. 监督员工的休假情况,并使用当地捐赠的共享假期 leave from the USSLP.

Approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/8/09, 3/21/23
Last reviewed: 3/21/23
过程 contact: 人力资源

Related policies and procedures
500.375 Shared 离开 政策
500.380 Uniformed Service Shared 离开 Pool 政策
500.385 Foster 父母 Shared 离开 Pool 政策
500.390 Veteran’s In-Service Shared 离开 Pool 政策
1500.375 Shared 离开 过程
1500.385 Foster 父母 Shared 离开 Pool 过程
1500.390 Veteran’s In-Service Shared 离开 Pool 过程