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Instructor Resources

Questions or concerns? Schedule an appointment with Student Access Services

All email correspondence and notifications are sent to official WVC faculty email address only. 

Instructors are experts in their fields/coursework and valuable partners in the implementation of requested disability accommodations.  Accommodations are meant to provide equal access and do not compromise the integrity of the course, the course requirements or the student’s learning.  If  you have questions about how to put accommodations into place, please consult with the Student Access Services. 

There are few simple practices we suggest you implement. We ask that you check your WVC email or Student Access Services Instructor Portal (please, see videos below) regularly to receive Accommodation Notifications and any follow up requests from our office. We encourage instructors to include this or similar statement regarding  disability and disability accommodations in the course syllabus:

"Wenatchee Valley College is committed to creating a learning environment that meets the needs of its diverse student body. It is our policy and practice to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law. If you anticipate or experience any barriers to learning due to a temporary health condition or permanent disability (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), contact Student Access Services at or 509-682-6854 to begin the process of establishing an Accommodation Plan. If you have already established accommodations with Student Access Services (SAS) please activate your accommodations via Student Access Services Portal so we can discuss how they will be implemented in this course. Additional information regarding the process of securing and implementing disability accommodations is available at"

To further normalize the accommodations process and encourage students to feel comfortable approaching you, you can invite students to self-identify on the first day of class by making a class announcement such as: "Students with approved disability accommodations, please schedule an appointment with me to discuss the implementation of your accommodations in my course." 

Common instructor tasks related to specific student accommodations:

 Alternative Testing Accommodations (such as additional testing time or distraction reduced testing environment)  

Typically, it is for you to decide if you would like to proctor accommodated exams or have Student Access Testing Center do it for you. If appropriate, consult with the student to see if they have a preference.

If you prefer not to proctor accommodated exams, Student Access Testing Center (SATC) has a dedicate space and proctor to assist you. Wenatchee SATC is located on the second floor of the John A. Brown Library. Testing space is available in the Omak Administration Building. If you chose to work with the Student Access Testing Center, please remember to submit your Alternative Testing Agreement and copies of exams through the Student Access Services Instructor Portal as early as possible (see Alternative Testing videos tutorial on the bottom of this webpage). Please, contact us with any questions regarding SATC at 509- 682-6899 or .                          

Peer Notetakers

We ask that you assist SAS with procuring a volunteer notetaker in your courses by making a class announcement. Multiple announcements or alternative arrangements (such as your own set of notes if available) may be necessary. Detailed information with a sample script will be emailed to you when this accommodation is requested.

Student volunteers can learn more about this accommodation on the Volunteer Notetaker Resources webpage

Your active collaboration is crucial for implementation of this accommodation as you are the one who has most rapport with students in class.  If appropriate, it can help to offer a few extra credit points. Some instructors appoint multiple volunteer notetakers and allow everyone in class to have access to the notes. This can enhance learning for the class, as well as notetakers. 

Instructional Materials in Accessible Formats 

Based on student's condition and structure of your course, each student has specific needs when it comes to instructional materials. This could vary from just a textbook in electronic format that is procured by the Student Access Services, to needing every handout and exam be converted into electronic format or Braille. Typically, you will find student's specific needs outlined in the "Notes" section of the Accommodation Notification.  SAS might request for you to send us a copy of all instructional materials used in a course for conversion. 

It is encouraged to create accessible materials from the beginning, even if there are no current students with such accommodations in your class. WVC Accessible IT Oversight Committee maintains an Accessibility webpage with a variety of training resources. Jeannie Henkle, Director of Libraries & Learning Support Services (509-682-6718 or is a resource for instructors who would like further assistance. 

Accessible classroom furniture

SAS will arrange for placement of accessible tables and chairs  in your classroom. Please, inform us as soon as possible if you change the location of your classroom or accessible furniture is missing. 

CART, FM System, Room Amplification, ASL Interpreters

SAS will make arrangements with appropriate vendors and set up technology as needed. If this is an online course, you may be asked to provide a Zoom link ahead of time. Please, provide us with the necessary information promptly so we can schedule appropriate services for the student. You may be asked to wear a small microphone (provided by SAS) to enhance the quality of audio.  

Reasonable Extensions on Assignments when Prearranged


This accommodation is to provide equal access and is not to compromise the integrity of the course, the course requirements or the student’s learning. Students are responsible for completion of ALL coursework and will be graded by the same standards as the rest of the class.

We only ask that students who properly use this accommodation are not penalized for not turning in their work at the same time as the rest of the class. We recommend that you set clear and reasonable extension deadlines in writing. You can hold the student accountable for missing the extension deadline. We encourage you to initiate a conversation with the student and SAS if student is struggling in class. Please, inform SAS if this accommodation is not appropriate for your course (such as a lab). 

Disability Related Absences

We ask that students who properly use this accommodation are not penalized for missing class, such as miss participation points. We recommend that you set clear and reasonable expectations in writing ahead of time. You might want to discuss with the student following topics:

  • is there an alternate way you would like the student to inform you about their absence. All students with this accommodation are directed to email you and CC Student Access Services as early as possible.
  • how will the student procure notes from class
  • is there an option to record the lecture
  • how will the student turn in their work (if there is homework due in class that day, student can still email you their work)
  • is there an alternative assignment to make-up participation points
  • how will missed exam or quiz be handled (Student Access Testing Center can be used)

We encourage you to initiate a conversation with the student and SAS if student is struggling in class. Please, inform SAS if this accommodation is not appropriate for your course (such as a lab). 

Student Access Services Instructor Portal introduction: 


Student Access Services Instructor Portal - Alternative Testing: